I Believe I Can Fly
Slovianka is high flight quality Investment? Let's fly with us!
Buy an apartment in one of our Investments SLOVIANKA and win a voucher for a flight in aerodynamic tunnel!
Extra for every 4-room apartment storage room for free.
Check out:
*Reservation agreement signed between 09.05 - 25.05
*Development agreement signed util the end of May
*Voucher works for maximum 4 flights for 2 persons in Warsaw, Katowice or Wroclaw aerodybnamic tunnels.
Company details |
Baltic Estate sp. z o.o. ul. Azymutalna 9 80-298 Gdańsk
NIP: 5842791364 REGON: 385550972 KRS: 0000828951 |
Our Office |
Baltic Estate sp. z o.o. Wólczańska 143 90-525 Łódź ("Zielony by Synergia" office building) |
Sales of flat |
Agnieszka Kałucka |